Street Fight Rolls Out Analyst Hours with Local Merchant Report

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For most companies in the local marketing technology sector, local merchants are the backbone of the industry, the massive potential and promise of the disruptive, transformative solutions that have exploded onto the scene in the last ten years.

Local merchants have been slow to adapt in a meaningful way, however, and our fourth survey, captured in the Local Merchant Report out today, does show some positive upward trending, but progress could be speedier.

The local merchants are busy, of course, worrying about the day-to-day, just executing on their business. You’ll have to read the report, starting with the free executive summary, to get more of the details.

The report — a key franchise for us — has regularly served as a guidepost for vendors seeking to expand their reach into this market. What’s been missing? A way to tie the data directly to a vendor’s business. 

As many solutions providers face challenges in funding and sufficient runway, gaining a direct line from insights on the report to their business is invaluable.

So for the first time, we’re offering time with the report’s author, Street Fight director of research, David Card, to discuss the report’s findings directly. Card is a fixture in the research community, with a background that includes IDC, Forrester, Jupiter and Gigaom. Click here to sign up, and get the report for free.

