LBMA Podcast: Amazon’s Dash Button, Gimbal COO Kevin Hunter
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association. On the show: Pac-man Easter egg from Google; Amazon’s Dash button; MasterCard partners with KIIP; Adobe partners with Vibes Media; The National Baseball Hall of Fame brings history alive; London’s underground helps the visually impaired; AirBites – the AirBnB for home-cooked meals; Tworlds shows is the grass is greener over there; KeepTrax raises a modest $1M. Special guest is Kevin Hunter, COO of Gimbal.
Top stories of the week
1. Easter Egg for Google Maps 7:45
2. Amazon Dash buttons 11:30
3. Mastercard partners with Kiip 16:20
4. Adobe partners with Vibes Media 19:00
6. National Baseball Hall of Fame – The Beacon 20:50
7. London Underground – Wayfindr app 24:40
8. AirBites – home cooked meals on the road 30:00
9. TWorlds app 34:40
10. KeepTrax raises $1M 37:40
Special guest: Kevin Hunter, COO of Gimbal 42:20
Top Story: Filling the bunny’s basket: How Amazon bridges the digital and physical divide 48:10