Street Fight Daily: DoorDash Raises $20M, Mobile’s Impact on Google
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology…
DoorDash Raises $40 Million for On-Demand Delivery (Recode)
DoorDash, which is about a year and a half old and has 65 employees and many more contract workers, now operates in eight markets, a number CEO Tony Xu said he hoped to double before the end of the year.
Mobile Alters Landscape Where Google Operates (WSJ)
Smartphone users spend most of their time in apps rather than browsing the Web, and they conduct fewer searches than personal-computer users. Among those who do search, though, Google controls an even greater share of users than the share it has on computers. (Subscription Required)
Openings and New Hires at ChowNow, MediaPro Services, Rocket Fuel, xAd (Street Fight)
Every two weeks, Kelly Benish — who knows practically everyone in hyperlocal — covers some of the latest job changes taking place in this dynamic industry. In this week’s edition, new jobs and hires at Location3, Gannett, Where2GetIt, and many more.
Facebook and Twitter Will Take 33% Share of US Digital Display Market by 2017 (eMarketer)
Spending on digital display advertising in the US will total $27.05 billion in 2015, and the market is shifting toward the leading social networks. By 2017, Facebook and Twitter together will account for 33.7% of the market, up from 30.2% this year.
comScore Report: Mobile Search Queries 29 Percent Of Total But Growth Modest (SearchEngineLand)
Mobile devices — smartphones in particular — dominate digital media time (60 percent vs. 40 percent for the PC). Ad revenues are not commensurate with that usage discrepancy, though some forecasts expect that gap to closely fairly quickly.
Honk Raises $12M to Free Stranded Motorists From Their Auto-club Shackles (Pando)
Much like the taxi industry being disrupted by Uber and Lyft, the towing industry remains largely unchanged over the last half-century. But as new generations of smartphone-powered drivers hit the roads, membership-based institutions like AAA, which by this point are synonymous with long wait times and unreasonable pricing, could not be more of a foreign concept.
Collaborative, Customized Social Guide Citymaps Raises $6 Million (Geomarketing)
Citymaps has raised $6 million in an equity round financing as the personalized mapping platform widens its international presence, makes its first appearance in the Google Play Store for Android usage, and plots its extension as a desktop utility as well.
Yelp ‘Extremely Concerned’ About What Investigative Documentary Will Reveal (Observer)
“I have gotten a huge reaction from [Yelp], which I have to admit, I was not expecting,” filmmaker Kaylie Milliken said, adding that they’re only halfway done filming. “They’ve been aggressively denying it and trying to discredit my character and the film itself.”
How Tecate Reached 93% of Its Hispanic Target Audience on Facebook (AdWeek)
The beer marketer, which is owned by Heineken USA, leaned on Facebook’s Anthology program during the 2014 holidays. Dubbed “Manfidence,” its English-language effort pushed both Tecate and Tecate Light and was designed to be fun and street smart.
LBMA Podcast: Spayce App and Glympse for Cars (Street Fight)
On the show: Cold Savings from Mark’s Work Wearhouse; Ambygear smart watch for kids; Tag Heuer says it wants to launch a smart watch; Virtual Beacons from SmartFocus.
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