Zaarly Co-Founder on Pivot: ‘Toughest 4-Month Build of My Life’ (VIDEO)
We’ve covered Zaarly since way back before they were a thing, and all during their fabulous progression, including a recent dramatic right turn away from the wild (but $50 million) open marketplace into the more tested “storefronts” space.
Street Fight was in attendance at the recent Distilled Intelligence 2.0 confab where a talky Andrew Warner of Mixergy riddled Zaarly co-founder and CMO Eric Koester full of questions. We captured a bit of video where Koester talks about the pain that comes with making a pivot at a startup that has tremendous momentum, funding and the former head of eBay on board. Koester’s thoughts were gut-level and seemed at times wrenchingly honest. He described this past summer of change for the company as much in physiognomy as in words.
Zaarly CEO Bo Fishback will be speaking at Street Fight Summit 2012 as part of a panel about the exploding opportunity in hyperlocal logistics. Join him and hundreds of other top hyperlocal industry executives in New York on October 30th and 31st. Buy your ticket today!