PODCAST: This Week in Location-Based Marketing — Nestle, SessionM
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association. In this week’s episode, hosts Rob Woodbridge and Asif Khan find that it ain’t only rock and roll when the Rolling Stones start doing augmented reality; Nestle goes all Willy Wonka on us; Square closes a trillion more dollars and SessionM co-founder & CEO Lars Albright gives us some mobile advertising advice.
Episode 96
Recorded: September 23, 2012
Hosts: Rob Woodbridge & Asif Khan
Show highlights:
1. Asif’s take on the FSMU conference in Chicago (3:33)
2. The Rolling Stones dive into augmented for their latest greatest hits album (8:30)
3. Nestle (UK) launches a Willy Wonka-like Golden Ticket contest with GPS-triggered wrapper (12:35)
4. Kraft works with Five Guys, Facebook and Foursquare to help Feeding America (18:48)
5. Launch of LoyalBlocks loyalty platform (23:00)
6. Facebook begins charging for Offers (30:00)
Featured Guest
Lars Albright of SessionM (32:50)
Funding / M&A News
1. Square rakes in $200 million (39:15)
2. MapBox, contributor to OpenStreetMap, receives $575,000 (46:00)
Resource of the Week
Mobile Ad Clickthroughs Rise As User Gets Closer (51:55)
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