SFD: LivingSocial’s Groupon Problem, Delivery ‘Land-Grab’
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.
Groupon’s Stock Slide Weighs on Rival LivingSocial (Washington Post)
Concern among investors that the once-booming daily deals business has cooled are playing out in the market, with the stock price for industry leader Groupon continuing to slide last week. Though LivingSocial has faced less scrutiny as a private company, analysts say that Groupon’s woes have a direct impact on perceptions of the company’s value when it inevitably goes public or looks to raise more capital.
Delivery Hero Fuels Up for Acquisitions with Fresh $49m Round (GigaOm)
In the great international online food delivery land-grab, Berlin-based Delivery Hero has just doubled its total amount of raised capital. According to co-CEO Fabian Siegel, that means profitability – and probably more acquisitions.
‘Thunderdome’ Takes Shape at Digital First (NetNewsCheck)
Digital First Media Editor in Chief Jim Brady talks about the fundamental transition underway in Journal Register Co.’s news gathering operation. News aggregation and centralized production of big national stories as well as health, travel and education feature wells are adding heft to papers’ websites while letting the papers focus on what they do best: local news
Shutl Preps US Launch For Same Day Delivery After $2m Round Led by UPS (TechCrunch)
UK-based Shutl, has secured a $2 million investment from the UPS Strategic Enterprise Fund, and existing investors Hummingbird Ventures and GeoPost. It feels like the zombie-like resurgence of Urban Fetch and Kozmo from the late 90s, but delivering stuff to your house, like right now, is so hot… right now.
A Renewed Push for SMB Display Ads (Screenwerk)
Greg Sterling: There’s so much display inventory “out there” and it’s relatively speaking so cheap that it can’t be ignored. Thus an increasing number of companies have started to push back into display advertising for SMBs — often with some sort of twist or targeting improvement.
Google Buys Wildfire Interactive (Midsize Insider)
Effective social media presence can contribute largely to the success of a company’s advertising campaign. Google’s offerings, backed by Wildfire, will particularly interest midsize organizations looking for cost-effective marketing campaigns through the social networking channels to target a wider web audience as well as connect with its clients and stakeholders.
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