Local Quotables: Susan Mernit, Steve Buttry, Jeffrey Kalmikoff, and more
A weekly roundup of thoughts about and around the hyperlocal industry.
Susan Mernit chastises the ONA; a Groupon manager says businesses don’t understand their product; SimpleGeo’s Jeffrey Kalmikoff expresses doubts about Facebook’s new interface; and Hearsay Local’s Clara Shih talks about social networks in the organization. More:
Susan Mernit, Oakland Local, September 25, 2011
SusanMernit.com: ONA, wake up and grow up! Cut through your onerous bureaucracy and red tape and add a category for community media and bring in journalists who work for organizations with budgets of less than $1 MM to help judge–or fact the face there’s a growing category of media you just don’t see.
Brett Truka, Groupon, September 22, 2011
Local Media Watch: Local businesses “still don’t exactly know how [Groupon] works for the most part.”
Steve Buttry, Journal Register Company, September 24, 2011
Twitter: @SteveButtry: Great advice from @mcoatney: Treat social media as conversation, not publication. #ONA11 #firehouse #firehose (seeing 2 session hashtags)
Jonathan Zabusky, Seamless, September 26, 2011
Street Fight: I think you’re going to see those in the deals space looking to break out and say, “Is this a sustainable model over time? Are we creating repeatable value for restaurants? Or are we just going to have to keep finding new merchants to do something this one time and have them not come back?”
Suzanne Choney, MSN, September 26, 2011
Technology on MSNBC: “The rise of search engines and specialty websites for different topics like weather, job postings, businesses and even e-government have fractured and enriched the local news and information environment,” said Lee Rainie, a co-author of the study and director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project.
Mathew Ingram, GigaOM, September 26, 2011
GigaOM: So while the number of people who want to maintain a full WordPress or Blogger blog is relatively small by comparison, the number of people who are happy to use Twitter or Tumblr primarily to share the content of others is huge. And as we’ve described before, that kind of social-sharing activity is becoming an important signal of intent that advertisers and search giants like Google are looking at as the social web grows.
Jeffrey Kalmikoff, SimpleGeo, September 27, 2011
Twitter: @Jeffrey: With the new @facebook timeline profile, I barely notice the ads anymore. Wonder how that’ll affect CTRs.
Clara Shih, Hearsay Local, September 21, 2011
Forbes: The inescapable power of social networks is that they enable your organization’s employees and customers to establish real identity online, discover, and share information in new ways. Whether and how this manifests across marketing, customer service, sales, R&D, recruiting, or other departmental functions may vary. What is clear is that the Social Enterprise will pervade every part of your organization.