Street Fight Daily: 09.15.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.
Groupon is planning to put its initial public offering back on track even as markets remain rocky. After postponing presentations to potential investors early this month, the online coupon giant is now aiming to go public in late October or early November, according to people briefed on the matter. (New York Times/Dealbook)
Foursquare’s magical tool that will allow developers to build apps that can remind you to buy milk when you walk past the grocery store or notify you when a friend is in the area is being publicly released. (BetaBeat)
Google’s location chief Marissa Mayer gave insight into the company’s recent purchast of Zagat yesterday. Mayer made it clear that those competitors would continue to be a big part of Google Places. Google will aggregate anything they think is good content and link to it. At the same time, they’ll now have deeper access to the Zagat data to surface it in a more appealing way. (TechCrunch)
When it comes to advertising, the four Patch sites Anna Tarkov reviewed in August all relied heavily on national advertising, while three were also attracting a significant amount of local ads. Patch local business directories also figure in the revenue mix. (Knight Digital Media Center)
With its recently launched Groupon Getaways product, Groupon is bringing its deep discount pitch to travel. Only this time, the deals that sound too good to be true may actually be too good to be true, writes Rocky Agarwal. (GigaOm)
John Humenik, SNA chairman of the board and publisher and president of the Arizona Daily Star, said he sees the digital era as one of boundless opportunity for suburban papers. He talks here about suburban papers’ innate local advantage, the importance of strategically using daily deals to maximize customer value and why digital makes his members more energized than afraid. (NetNewsCheck)
LivingSocial has announced their expansion into 14 new markets. The Washington D.C.-based daily deals site has been covering the global landscape pretty quickly over the past few months. (Daily Deal Media)
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