Street Fight Daily: 08.04.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.
Location-based media company JiWire reports seeing increases in the sharing of and the demand for local deals, like those offered by Groupon, LivingSocial and others, since last quarter. According to data from a recent survey, sharing of deals has increased by 21% and demand is up 20% from Q1 2011. (ReadWriteWeb)
LivingSocial’s Groupon Now-killer, LivingSocial Instant, appears to now have an ad unit that promotes specific deals. This adds a new layer to how daily deals can be promoted or sold. (Business Insider)
“Location-based services don’t make the headlines that they used to. There were once competitors to foursquare (outside of Facebook and maybe Google Latitude) like Gowalla (remember them?) but the activity doesn’t seem to get people as fired up as it once did,” writes Frank Reed. (Paid Content)
“Whether it’s educational, touristic, or even just a way of keep track of your daily routine; Foursquare can actually become a really useful tracking, educational and marketing tool,” writes Nany Messieh, who outlines 10 ways to get more out of location-based service. (The Next Web)
Philo, the social TV check-in service, has struggled to compete against rivals like GetGlue and Miso. Now, it’s being acquired by targeted marketing company LocalResponse, which is looking to expand its service to TV check-ins. (GigaOm)
In contrast to the competition, ThinkNear is a B2B service that uses smart data to help local merchants drive foot traffic to their stores during slow periods so it’s a win-win for consumers and merchants. The technology pulls in data like weather, events and traffic to determine when to deliver mobile offers to nearby users. (The Next Web)
Is the daily deals market getting so crowded that a shakeout is about to happen, or is there room for several titans? The next few months will tell us, but Groupon may be paying the price for its lucrative yet easy-to-emulate model. (The Motley Fool)
“For now, Groupon and Foursquare and Google and The Dealmap are making incremental steps, but as we move forward, the link between location and content is only going to grow stronger,” writes Ron Miller (Internet Evolution)
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