Street Fight Daily: 07.12.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.
Foursquare hopes to ease its revenue problem with a series of pacts to remarket daily coupon deals from LivingSocial, Gilt Groupe and AT&T Inc. to its 10 million users. A similar deal with Groupon is also said to be in the works. (WSJ)
Groupon made updates to its terms of service and privacy statement last weekend to reflect new ways the company collects and shares user data. Now if users opt to share their location data through Groupon Now, the company will track user location and be able to share it with several sources. (ReadWriteWeb)
“In today’s daily deal market, rigorous performance measurement often takes a backseat to sensational success stories,” notes Jonty Kelt. “However, this enthrallment with revenue leads to a critical misunderstanding — namely, that the relative success of a deal can best be measured by the number of deals sold (and revenue generated).” (Mashable)
Multiple check-ins can be tedious, particularly for power users who want to maintain their profiles on both Facebook Places and Foursquare. The new app Check-in+ features a simpler, much more graphical UI, notifying you of surrounding friends or places based on your phone’s location. (ReadWriteWeb)
Geo-based marketing is just getting started, and local businesses are feeling their way around how best to use service like Foursquare, Facebook Places, Gowalla, and even Twitter. MomentFeed is trying to bring some order and analytics to this chaos with a location-based marketing dashboard aimed at businesses with more than one location. (TechCrunch)
LevelUp works with merchants to create the best deals in your city. Each business has three levels of deals: good, better and best. When you use a deal on LevelUp, you’ll level-up to get access to the next level deal at that business. (Daily Deal Media)
OKCupid has added a handful of location-based features to make spur-of-the-moment dating easier. The company has added beta versions of several functions that allow users of its mobile app to find dating matches nearby. (Mashable)
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