Street Fight Daily: 06.20.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.
While LivingSocial may indeed have future plans for an IPO, the recent rumor was obviously kicked out there in an attempt to create some buzz. (Daily Deal Media)
Last week came a report of a scathing review from a Scvngr client, Vintank. The small agency felt that the mobile checkin company did a terrible job with its campaign and broke a lot of promises. Scvngr’s founder and CEO, Seth Priebatsch responded Friday with his version of the story. According to Priebatsch, some of the blame was Scvngr’s, but much of it falls on Vintank. (Business Insider)
With the mistakes of others well-documented, Groupon should have the benefit of insight as it moves into the world’s second-largest economy. But four months into its Chinese expansion, some experts say the soon-to-be-public daily deals site is making the same fundamental error as its predecessors: treating China just like home. (GigaOm)
For my business Groupon has worked incredibly well,” writes Carey Friedman, the owner of Grandpa Eddie’s BBQ in Richmond, Va.” There is no question that it has paid for itself better than any other advertising medium we have ever used.” (TechCrunch)
Most newspaper sites are still online versions of newspapers and TV sites are online versions of deconstructed TV newscasts. Local news isn’t just about covering and distributing stories, but enabling connections and solving problems — for advertisers, too. That drives audiences and revenue. (Lost Remote)
How can a merchant tell whether a daily deal is a good idea? To help solve that million dollar question or at least provide some guidance, Bernd Skiera, a professor at the University of Frankfurt has recently developed what he calls his “Groupon calculator.” (Daily Deal Media)
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