Street Fight Daily: 06.10.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.
The FCC has produced a 478-page report on the state of the media in the digital age, and — no surprise — the report has found a big gap in watchdog and investigative journalism, and the local news hole hasn’t been filled by the proliferation of online news and non-profits. At the same time, the report doesn’t support any major government intiative to correct the situation. (Paid Content, Block-By Block, Nieman Lab, Romenesko/Patch)
Increasingly, location is getting baked into regular web pages as well. Fwix is taking its hyperlocal places database and exposing it to web sites in a novel way. “Our goal is to index the Web by location,” says Fwix CEO Darian Shirazi. (TechCrunch)
Some of Patch’s bloggers are also Patch freelancers. That means people who are normally paid $20 or $50 per post are also doing some work on the site for free. In case you’re wondering how Patch convinced anybody to agree to such an arrangement, here’s an email one Patch freelancer received from a local editor. (Business Insider)
Location-based services are expected to bring in $10 billion in revenue by 2016, according to research firm Strategy Analytics. The biggest chunk, just over 50 percent, will come from location-based search advertising. (GigaOm)
A restaurant owner talks to Rocky Agarwal about why Groupon was “the single worst decision I have ever made as a business owner.” (TechCrunch)
Groupon’s prospectus for an IPO valuing it as high as $30 billion started arguments over the company’s huge losses, and right now it’s more or less still in the Yellow Pages business. But, by better applying big data analysis, Groupon could start seeing profits. (GigaOm)
To use, you enter your zipcode and are presented with a map filled with LivingSocial deals. But you also get rewarded with WOWpoints every time you buy something. (TechCrunch)
Mathew Ingram wonders whether it will be Patch or the Huffington Post — or neither — that will ultimately save AOL. (GigaOm)
Groupon is not the first to venture into supermarkets with deals linked to store loyalty cards. SavingStar, a site that launched this past April is actually the first fully digital coupon service available for use at more than 24,000 grocery and drug stores nationwide. (Daily Deal Media)
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