Build Apps Using Web Tools With appMobi
Want to create an app that taps GPS and accelerometers but don’t posses the chops to tackle iPhone, Android and iPad? Welcome to the club.
Now, however, a solution could be at hand – appMobi might be handing you a free pass out of that ClubLame. It’s a cross development platform kit (XDK) that let’s you make native applications with tools most of us are familiar with, like DreamWeaver, Eclipse or Visual Studio. The XDK doesn’t play favorites either – use whatever desktop computer you prefer.
“There are two forms of fragmentation that are hurting the mobile app industry – fragmentation of the tool sets for creating apps and fragmentation of the target platforms. Developing mobile apps for one platform can be daunting, doing it for more than one platform is a true nightmare,” said appMobi CTO Sam Abadir. “We thought to ourselves, could we make developing native apps as easy as developing web pages? What if developers could choose their favorite tools and write mobile apps in HTML and JavaScript (the most widely used programming languages)? That’s what we’ve delivered in the appMobi XDK.”
According to appMobi, the apps produced by the XDK are 100% terms of service-compliant native apps, not Web apps.
From the company: Unlike other cross-platform development tools, XDK does not require the developer to learn arcane programming languages and APIs to access native device functionality like accelerometer and GPS. The appMobi XDK provides a bridge between standard WebKit browser controls and native device functionality and is infinitely extensible to add support for any device-specific hardware, or third-party software API.
The XDK’s uses “the cloud” to further enable rapid prototyping because apps under development can be instantly shared with clients and reviewers – either in the client’s XDK emulator or on the appMobi preview container installed on mobile devices.
Wanna play along? Get the XDK at
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