Can Mobile Gaming Boost Multi-Location Brands?

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Climbing Pokémon Go revenue is mostly from in-app purchases, where players pay for digital in-game elements to accelerate their leveling up. But Pokémon Go maker Niantic is also looking to diversify its business model with other revenue streams — most notably, local advertising.

Digital Advertising in 2021 Will Be Surprisingly Normal

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While this year’s advertising headlines were dominated with the doom and gloom of cookie and IDFA elimination, those critical industry-defining decisions will be pushed off, as marketers want to return to normalcy just as badly as consumers do.

5 Local SEO tips for Businesses during Covid-19

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SEO has not been spared by the pandemic. It is more important than ever to make sure that new customers in your local community can find you in search results. 

In this article, we will look at 5 SEO tips that will help you boost your visibility online during Covid-19. 

Developing an FAQ with Google Q&A

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The major downfall and benefit of Google Q&A is that anyone can ask a question, and anyone can answer. For businesses, brand representation comes into question, and they’re challenged with not only answering questions themselves, but also monitoring the responses left by others on the web. 

Despite the challenges, when managed at scale, Q&A is an excellent forum to bring customers and businesses together and improve engagement with your brand.

Discounts Drove Black Friday Foot Traffic

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To see how clothing retailers fared, we took a look at foot traffic to the top 10 in the U.S. We did a straight comparison on foot traffic between Black Friday weekend last year and this year (11/28/19 – 12/2/19 and 11/26/20 – 11/30/20). 

Across all 10 retailers, store visits dropped an average of 42%. Who fared best? Who took the biggest hit? We queried our proprietary geofencing marketing database. Here’s what we found.

Not All Video Ad Impressions are Created Equal

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A new generation of technology-enabled screens have cropped up in unexpected places in recent years, and the audiences and engagement levels they promise could be game-changers for marketers.

Six Last-Minute Tips for Holiday Marketers

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The holidays are here, and along with them, a holiday shopping season like no other. With the entire retail sector transformed by the Covid-19 pandemic, e-commerce has taken center stage, and digital marketers are working feverishly to find new ways to reach customers and bring former brick-and-mortar shoppers into the digital fold.

Yet we know that there’s still a lot of work to be done, and the holidays aren’t offering much downtime to digital teams. That’s why we hosted a discussion featuring experts sharing eleventh-hour tips and tricks that marketers can use to drive revenue this holiday season.

How to Use Instagram to Drive Traffic to Your Blog

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On its face, Instagram is not all that link-friendly, especially compared to other sites like Facebook or Pinterest, which are practically driven by linked-to content. Even though you can’t make an Instagram post link to a URL, there are ways to maximize the linking features Instagram does have.

Adthena and Adsquare’s New Launches

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Adthena launching “Local View,” Adsquare launching “Audiences in Motion,” location-based game Breadcrumbs debuting in Singapore and Clark County, and Las Vegas releasing the “FixIt Clark County” app for citizens to report problems.

Inform Your Multichannel Customer Experience Strategy

Improving Satisfaction with Digital Customer Service

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Most brands track certain metrics, including customer satisfaction (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS), and customer effort score (CES), to gauge how well they’re serving customers. Each calculation gives a numerical value you can use as a benchmark or leading indicator when making improvements to customer service operations or your brand’s customer journey.

These scores provide insight into which experiences and channels drive the most satisfaction, as well as which pain points are negatively impacting customers. Benchmarking scores against ever-changing industry standards and monitoring even subtle shifts over time allows brands to access valuable information about the quality of their customer care.

Mattress in Bedroom

How DTC Brands Are Adapting to Covid-19

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When Covid shut down the world, it wasn’t just traditional retailers that were hit. DTC brands were, too. Shifts in consumer shopping habits during the pandemic forced DTC brands to alter the ways they think and they still came up on top. As the world continues to navigate our new normal, we hope that others can learn from the strategies DTCs are implementing. 

Re-engaging Consumers Amid and After Covid-19

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Shortly after the pandemic caused retail stores around the country to rapidly adapt their business models to address shutdowns and changes in consumer habits, CodeBroker conducted research to explore how shopping behaviors were changing. 

The resulting report, Consumer Shopping Habits During the Covid Pandemic, offers insights into what has changed, which changes are likely to persist even after the pandemic subsides, and what retailers can do to protect their bottom line.

3 Enterprise Tech Trends for 2021

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Next year’s period of relative peace will give leaders the opportunity to make thoughtful investments in technology that put 2020’s positive developments — like increased cloud adoption and remote work flexibility — on more solid ground. Companies will also have bandwidth to prepare for the next crisis, eschewing reactive, flash-in-the-pan solutions in favor of longer-term strategies.  

TripleLift Partners with White Ops to Fight Ad Fraud

Location Intelligence Beats Fraud

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In this episode of Location Weekly, the Location-Based Marketing Association covers Incognia solving QR code fraud with location verification, the Ontario Regiment Museum using an AI virtual assistant, L’Oréal launching virtual make-up for your online work calls, and Covid-19 leading to greater public willingness to share location data.

3 Factors to Consider Before You Choose a Martech Solution

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If you’re among the many marketing professionals who are thinking about adding to their solution stack to manage digital marketing channels, keep in mind that your investment should endure for the long haul. You’ll need to find a solution that helps you improve performance on digital channels while the pandemic persists and afterward as we make our way to a new version of normal. Here are three points to ponder.

As Cookies Crumble, Can Location Data Pick Up the Pieces?

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One potential and promising alternative to third-party cookies is location data. Captured from mobile users as they move through the physical world, location data can be used for a range of purposes and personalization.

Real-world visitation patterns offer clues to user identity, brand affinities, and purchase intent. Putting aside that Covid-19 has radically upended movement patterns for the time being, regular airport or hotel visitation can identify business travelers, routine presence in a gym suggests health-consciousness, and weekly fast-food visits implies the opposite. Someone visiting car dealerships is probably an “auto-intender,” and so on.

Why Your Business Should Start Incorporating Social Proof

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When it comes to marketing your business, social proofing is one of the most critical and yet overlooked strategies in the book. Consumers seeing what others buy influences them to make similar buying decisions. As an example, when your website has reviews or testimonials from well-known figures in the same industry, that’s social proof in action because the reviews will compel many visitors to buy from you.

In this article, we’ll dive more deeply into what social proofing is, how to incorporate it into your business, and some of the pitfalls of social proofing that you would be wise to avoid. 

mobile data

Data Trends for 2021: Overcoming Digital Ad Uncertainty

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With privacy regulations on the horizon, email is a known and comfortable identifier that many consumers self-register and that brands can anonymize in a digital environment with hashed emails for privacy compliance. 

While 2020 has thrown a lot of curve balls, marketers that worked to get their consumer data house in order with an eye on ways to better enable their first-party data for a complete view of their most-desired audiences and buying behaviors will survive and thrive as we head into 2021. The newest technology, data-sharing innovations, and identity resolution algorithms won’t help if you don’t have the basics down.

How Local Retailers Can Reach Mission Shoppers this Holiday Season

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The mission shopper is focused on getting in and out of stores as quickly as possible. They spend less time, and less money, in stores, and their mindset is different from the lighthearted holiday shoppers of yesteryear—or even last year.

Understanding this consumer archetype will prove critical to retail success this holiday season.

Qualifying and Quantifying 2020’s E-commerce Surge

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Spending hasn’t declined — it’s just shifted. One of the themes we’re seeing is that the standouts of 2020 are those who have shifted with it. We’re talking here about a broad definition of e-commerce — not just ordering things online, but any digital or mobile purchase.

For example, in local commerce, these digital fulfillment models include mobile order-ahead functions in QSR and coffee. They also include curbside pickup for physical goods. And in an even broader sense (and looking forward), they will include touchless or cashier-less retail in a post-Covid era of physical retail.