Street Fight Daily: Here Brings Location Insights to China, Brick-and-Mortar Holiday Strategy
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology…
Mapping Service Here Looks to Bring Location Insights, Mapping Service to China (VentureBeat)
“Our intention has been to broaden our shareholder base to reflect how location intelligence will fuel invention and expansion across different industries in all parts of the world,” Here CEO Edzard Overbeek said in statement.
How Wearables Are Changing Perceptions About Location Privacy (Street Fight)
While firms that collect location data through mobile apps were once viewed as pariahs, a shift in attitudes has more consumers turning on location services for apps and taking advantage of the benefits that sharing this data can bring. Behind the changing attitude is a growing interest in wearables.
Predictions 2017: Attribution Is Next (Street Fight)
Neil Sweeney: The companies who prove that their media is better at driving in-store visits will reap the benefits. Measurement will not come from the vendor itself but rather from third-party measurement firms decoupled both from the buying and selling of advertising and from the platforms on which the media runs. Sponsored by Freckle IoT.
A Brick-and-Mortar Advantage: Capitalizing on Returns to Make More Sales (Wall Street Journal)
As shoppers flock to stores this week to return unwanted holiday gifts, department stores and other traditional retailers have an opportunity that pure e-commerce players don’t: Make another sale. About 10% of holiday purchases are returned, though the rate can be triple for online orders.
Automation Gives Advertising a Moral Struggle: Is Online Reach Worth the Hurt? (New York Times)
In the zeal to follow consumers wherever they may roam on the internet, advertisers now risk bankrolling sites that are toxic to society, whether by amplifying manufactured political stories or by spreading conspiracy theories virulent enough to drive a man to walk into a Washington pizzeria with a gun.
Loyalty Programs Are Not Keeping Hotel Guests Away from AirBnB (Quartz)
Members of hotel loyalty programs are more likely than other travelers to have booked a stay in Airbnb. Thirty-six percent of travelers enrolled in a hotel loyalty program say they’ve tried Airbnb, compared to 15% of non-loyalty travelers.
Startup Central: A Torrent of Tech IPOs is Expected in 2017 (TechCrunch)
Sandy Miller: Pent-up demand and several other factors will make 2017 the strongest tech IPO market we’ve seen since the dot-com boom of the late 1990s. Don’t be surprised to see as many as 30 to 50 tech startups go public in the next 12 months.
Hyperlocal Delivery Startup ShadowFax Raises $10 Million Series B (Geektime)
ShadowFax expanded its services to other industries, surviving the crunch of India’s food delivery startup bust. Eight Roads Ventures led the round.
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