Street Fight Daily: Mobile Paid Search Rising Fast, Facebook Rolls Out New Ad Measurement Tools
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology…
Smartphones Take Over Paid Search (eMarketer)
The smartphone continues to eat away at desktop’s share of search clicks, at least for paid ads placed on Google. According to August research, the handheld device has increased its share of paid search clicks by about 20 percentage points since 2015, becoming the leading channel for search clicks earlier this year.
Facebook is Rolling Out a Handful of New Measurement Tools for Advertisers (AdWeek)
Facebook is rolling out an array of additional measurement products it says will help marketers see how effective cross-channel campaigns are in terms of online and offline return on investment.
Study: 99% of Location-Based Apps to Implement Indoor Positioning Systems (Street Fight)
The survey by IndoorAtlas polled 301 marketing decision makers at mid- to large-size organizations in the healthcare, travel, transport, marketing, and retail sectors. 99% of the respondents said have implemented IPS or have plans to do so within the next two years.
Mobile Data Marketplace Creates Direct Path from App to Dollars (AdAge)
Mobile ad firm Airpush is set to launch its mobile data marketplace, where companies can purchase precise device location information, including beacon data, encrypted email addresses, device identifiers and information showing which apps phones have installed and how frequently they’re accessed.
Two Nashville Independents Merge to Go ‘BIGR’ in Gannett’s Shadow (Street Fight)
The CEOs of Home Page Media Group and Source Local Media spoke with us recently about their merged operations and why they’re confident about the new company’s expansion-focused future in the sometimes-upside-down world of community news.
This French Startup is Helping News Orgs Build Personalized Email Newsletters (Nieman Lab)
With its algorithm, Ownpage shows readers stories based on their reading habits and what other similar users are reading. Ownpage has seen publishers use its service in two primary ways: to grow their subscriber base or to provide an extra benefit to those who are already paying.
How Old-School Tactics from Emerging Economies Can Inform Local Marketing (Street Fight)
Florian Huebner: There is tremendous insight in old-school marketing tactics about to how to strengthen local digital strategies through offline expertise. Here are a few tips from a few ever-impressive emerging markets.
Lyft Co-Founder John Zimmer: Vehicle Sharing Is The Way Of The Future (Geomarketing)
Thanks to the astronomical growth of ridesharing over the past four years, the true age of “transportation as a service” is finally possible, Lyft co-founder John Zimmer posits. And this coming shift away from car ownership is set to have a big impact not just on ride-hailing apps, but for brick-and-mortar businesses.
Convenience Stores Surge in the Era of Mobile-Driven Shopping (MediaPost)
A combination of complex demands based on changes in consumer life-styles, economic factors, technology and generational preferences have reshaped shopping behavior. The way in which the modern day consumer now shops has allowed convenience stores to emerge as a primary retail channel.
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