PODCAST: This Week in Location-Based Marketing — Waze, Evzdrop
Welcome to This Week in Location Based Marketing, a weekly video podcast from the Location Based Marketing Association. In this week’s episode, hosts Rob Woodbridge and Asif Khan talk about wheels, Weve, Waze — and would you spend $600 on Oakleys? Plus, special guest David Rush, co-founder of Evzdrop and Asif is live from the home of the Singapore Sling.
Episode 102
Recorded: November 4, 2012
Hosts: Rob Woodbridge & Asif Khan
Show highlights:
1. Oakley’s Airwave Snow augmented reality goggles (7:00)
2. Marriott partners with Check In For Good (12:07)
3. Wheelz peer to peer car sharing service launches (15:54)
4. Waze signs exclusive deal with Lumata in Italy (23:05)
5. Project Oscar becomes Weve (26:30)
Featured Guest
David Rush, co-founder of Evzdrop (34:30)
Funding / M&A News
1. LocalVox acquires Postling
2. Pirq gets $1.2M (48:22)
3. U-Blox acquires Fastrax (52:42)
Resource of the Week
Jon Spinney’s Location Technology M&A Tracker (56:20)
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