Street Fight Daily: 08.10.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.
SinglePlatform has raised another $3.25 million to launch new products. “If you want to monetize local, you will need to go through SinglePlatform one day, because they’ll own the best, trusted relationship with the merchant,” a confident venture capitalist says. (Business Insider)
One year after the launch of TBD, the local news project barely exists. Journal Register’s Steve Buttry quietly lifts a glass to his TBD colleagues and shares some lessons for other digital pioneers from his TBD experience. (
Groupon has filed an amended S1 filingwith the SEC this morning. New information about underwriters as well as financial performance are included. The daily deal company generated $878 million in gross revenue for the second quarter of the year. (Business Insider)
Testing the notion that there’s power in numbers is the just-launched Chicago-based startup oBaz. Its promise: To go to bat for consumers who band together in big groups; it haggles with merchants to bring back big discounts. (Mashable)
The world isn’t lacking for news about Brooklyn’s artisanal pickles, flea markets and beekeeping, but a new site, Brooklyn Bureau, aims to focus on the less hip side of New York City’s largest borough. (PaidContent)
Specialized verticals within local are a major part of the new marketplaces environment. Aiming itself at one such vertical is TakeLessons, a five-year-old teacher site that is exclusively focused on hooking vetted music teachers with students. The site has just announced a $6 million funding round. (Local Onliner)
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