Street Fight Daily: 04.22.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups.
Google Offers, the company’s long-awaited response to Groupon, has gone live with a signup for beta program in Portland, Oregon. The service promises “50% off or more at places you’ll love.” (Mashable)
According to a survey conducted last month by Harris Interactive, 10 percent of the American adult population or approximately 23 million people purchased deals from sites like Groupon and LivingSocial last year. (Daily Deal Media)
Groupon has hired Margo Georgiadis, a vice president of global sales operations at Google, to be its new chief operating officer. (NYT/Dealbook)
A new study from AT&T Interactive and Nielsen validates that location is a key part of the mobile-user experience. The study also reflects the often-superior performance of local-mobile ads. (SearchEngineLand)
SimpleGeo, a geolocation data storage and platform service, announced this week that it has put data for more than 20 million places into the public domain to make it easier than ever for developers to create location-aware applications. (ReadWriteWeb)
Groupon VP and GM Mihir Shah says that mobile is especially critical to the company’s development. “We’ll have a mobile app across all platforms,” he said. “Over the next few years, we are focusing on how to build the product from the bottom up.” (BIA/Kelsey)
Bom Kim is the founder and CEO of Coupang, the biggest daily deal site in South Korea. What made Coupang so successful? Is its success replicable elsewhere? (Business Insider)
We’ve already seen discounts offered to people who check-in to certain locations. But we’re now moving to more targeted offers by taking into account more information than just location. That’s going to be the key for local discounts to matter to consumers. (GigaOm)
Some notes from Aaron Perlut on this week’s Where 2.0 conference. (Forbes)
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