5 Location-Based Marketing Platforms for Brands Without Retail Stores
Figuring out where to purchase products from a brand that doesn’t have its own retail establishment can present a challenge for many consumers. Increasingly, major brands like Vicks and Nestlé are using location-based marketing platforms to help point potential buyers in the right direction. Here are five platforms offering brands a way to take advantage of such technology on their own terms…
7 Tips for Big Brands That Want to Reach Local Consumers
National brands that add local context to their mobile campaigns can expect to see click-through rates that are 4% to 7% higher than typical mobile display ads, while adding something as simple as a local phone number to an ad can increase response rates by 40%. We asked two top marketers for their advice to brands thinking of going local…
Marketers Use LBS to Promote Health Awareness — And Remedies
With location-based services and the Internet, health information, particularly information about disease outbreaks, is now available at your fingertips. And a number of different services are using this location-specific data to inform users — and to target drugmakers’ ads…