Openings & New Hires at Advance Digital, Neustar, Factual, Yellowbook & More
A new big-name CMO arrives at LivingSocial to shake things up, while a senior technology exec departs there. Brad Moore leaves Tribune Company. And now that the new year is fully upon us, employers are posting openings for a range of jobs, from digital account director to director of client services, as well as for SEO manager and manager of publisher solutions. Find your job now!
Street Fight Daily: Yelp Surrounded, Mobile Advertising’s Future
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.… Is It Time Local Site Called for Yelp? (The Wall Street Journal)… Is Location Based Advertising The Future Of Mobile Marketing And Mobile Advertising? (Forbes)… Openings & New Hires at Advance Digital, Neustar, Factual, Yellowbook, Apple and More (Street Fight)…
Openings and New Hires at JiWire, UBL, Groupon, Booker, Telenav & More
JiWire gets a new CEO in a year of big executive changes; Groupon tries for third-time’s-a-charm COO; UBL staffs up; Living Social loses an exec; and LocalResponse brings on a new vice president of technology. And that’s just what’s highlighted in industry moves from this week. Plus, openings at LocalVox, Booker, Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook, Telenav and more…
Street Fight Daily: Facebook’s Local Opp, LivingSocial’s $93 M Loss
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.
… Facebook’s Massive, Still-Untapped Local Opportunity (Screenwerk)… Losses are Mounting for LivingSocial (GigaOm)… Report: Daily Press removes Journatic bylines, but Stories Remain (Poynter)…
Street Fight: LevelUp ‘Zeros Out,’ Andrew Mason Waits Tables
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.… LevelUp’s Plan to Supercharge the Mobile Payments Market: Make It Free (All Things D)… The Education of Groupon CEO Andrew Mason (Businessweek)… LivingSocial Partners with Madison Square Garden, AEG and More for Live Event Offers (The Next Web)…
Street Fight Daily: LivingSocial IPO, Apple’s Plans for Payments
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.… LivingSocial Gets Ready for Nasdaq (The Sunday Telegram)…
Inside Apple’s Go-Slow Approach to Mobile Payments (WSJ)…
Geolocation Will Be Game-changer for the 2012 Political Elections (Mobile Marketer)…
Street Fight Daily: Living Social Flush, AOL at Juncture
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.…LivingSocial Steers Clear of IPO (WSJ)…SOURCE: AOL Faces Brutal Choice On Patch — Close It Or Double Down (SAI)…TripAdvisor Relaunches Local Picks Facebook App, for Restaurant Tips from Friends and Locals (The Next Web)
Factual Adds Monetization Capability With New API
Factual has added engagement and monetization capabilities to its set of local data tools with the release of a new Monetize API. The API enables developers to snap deals and other engagement tools like restaurant reservations to any business in a developer’s local dataset, and share in the revenues generated from conversions…
Street Fight Daily: 05.16.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups…
Google announced Friday that its “News Near You” product, tied into Google News, will be available from Android and iPhones browsers. If you visit Google News from your phone it will prompt you for location and ask for news categories that interest you. (ReadWriteWeb)…
There’s no doubt that the future of eBay is based on both online to offline purchases, local and mobile commerce. But as retail evolves, it will be interesting to see if the company can connect the dots with all these acquisitions and technologies to create a powerhouse in mobile and local commerce. (TechCrunch)…
Keeping Tabbs: A DIY Deals Platform With No Rev Split