LBMA Vidcast: Facebook’s Libra, Carrefour Tests Facial Recognition

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On this week’s Location-Based Marketing Association podcast: Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency, L.L. Bean and Uber for Backyard Campsite, Carrefour tests facial recognition, 7Eleven delivers Cheetos AR experience, Kyruus + Brandify partner, PromoRepublic raises 2 million Euros.

LBMA Podcast: Proxfinity, Estimote, Carrefour and Basket

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On the show: Real holograms thanks to Kino-Mo; Samsung’s TipTalk lets you talk into your finger; Down with walkie-talkies thanks to Theatro; Microsoft’s Skip means no lineups at Gerrity Supermarkets; PlaceIQ trumps that with $25M; Microsoft is acquiring InMobi; InMarket puts beacons in every RiteAid store. Our App selection is Basket from Andy Ellwood.

LBMA Podcast: Apple Acquires Metaio, Interview With’s Trevor Longino

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On the show: The contagious billboard; Ubimo and Autograph raise rounds; Carrefour’s 2.5km of LED location lights; XploR smart cane with facial recognition; AdNear and Roy Morgan partner; Shazam everything; Tweeting potholes; Sell advertising in your home windows…