Street Fight Daily: Groupon Buys Breadcrumb, Judging Journatic, Warren Buffett
by The Editors
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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology...
Groupon Acquires Breadcrumb to Make Redeeming Deals on the iPad Easier (AllThingsD)…
On Journatic, and Making It in Hyperlocalville (Columbia Journalism Review)…
Why Clay Shirky Is Right and Warren Buffett Is Wrong About the Future of Local Newspapers (GigaOm)…
Street Fight Daily: 02.20.12
by The Editors
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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups...
Groupon Buys Hyperpublic, a Local Data Start-Up (New York Times)…
What Yelp’s IPO Means About the Future of Crowdsourced Media (GigaOm)…
Why LivingSocial Lost $558 Million Last Year (Business Insider)…
How Reviews and Ratings are Driving Local Search
Despite the tremendous amount of press we have seen on fake reviews, ongoing interest in reviews by consumers and local search providers make it clear that these services aren’t going away. As platforms give reviews more importance and improve their ability to filter out fake ones — and government officials crack down on dishonest practices — consumer trust and use of reviews can only be expected to grow. This trend will continue to increase the impact they have on local businesses…