Webinar: Location-Based Marketing Strategies to Lure Holiday Shoppers
The busiest retail season of the year is upon us, and it’s shaping up to be a good one. An upcoming free Street Fight Insights webinar, presented in conjunction with Brandify and featuring immr founder Dr. Phil Hendrix, can help local business owners and their marketing and technology partners get ready for the tide of online and foot traffic. Don’t miss out on key insights that can help make your holiday season a success.
5 Things SMBs Need to Know About Their Customers in the Multiplatform Era
In a Street Fight webinar Tuesday sponsored by YP, Greg Sterling, a senior analyst with Opus Research and contributing editor at Search Engine Land spoke with Sanjay Sood, YP’s SVP of consumer platforms, about new strategies small businesses can use to get discovered by consumers in the smartphone age…
5 Keys To Making Local Listings Count
Local listing sites have mushroomed in recent years, sending local businesses scurrying to get their digital houses in order. In a Street Fight webinar Thursday sponsored by YP, David Mihm of Moz, and YP’s Deepak Thakral discussed the growing impact of listings in local search, and outlined a handful of first steps that local businesses can take to improve their presence online…
5 Mobile Marketing ‘Musts’ for SMBs
As more consumers look to their smartphones to engage with business locally, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) need to lay out a concise mobile marketing strategy. In a Street Fight webinar Tuesday sponsored by YP, Asif Khan of the Location-based Marketing Association, and YP’s David Williams discussed the trends that make mobile a must for SMBs, and highlighted a handful of first steps that local businesses can take to keep up with their smartphone-wielding customers….
Upcoming Webinar Puts Spotlight on SMB Adoption of Mobile
It’s no secret that SMBs lag behind all marketers in digital adoption. But the mobile chasm between consumers and these businesses is staggering: 10% of media consumption is spent on mobile; while just 1% of marketers’ budgets are dedicated to that platform. An upcoming webinar will discuss SMB optimization on mobile for business owners and marketing services professionals alike.
How Media Buyers Buy Hyperlocal
In a Street Fight webinar sponsored by YP Thursday, Mitch
Bernstein, the director of client strategy at Neo@Ogilvy, and YP’s
Onil Gunawardana discussed the value of hyperlocal from a media
buyer’s perspective, highlighting its ability drive conversions in
a still-nascent mobile space and provide marketers with deeper
insights into their consumer’s path to purchase…