Street Fight Daily: TaskRabbit Scores $13M, Tribune Keeps Journatic
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.… TaskRabbit Takes Another $13M, With Founders Fund Leading the Round (All Things D)… Media Companies have Trouble Finding the Sweet Spot in Hyperlocal Journalism (Chicago Tribune)… The Hard Truths of Hyperlocal Journalism Reveal Themselves in Journatic Trouble (Poynter)…
Local Quotables: Hartley, Gardner, Thompson and more
This week’s quotes focus on advertising, technology and new businesses. Sarah Hartley describes how the end of a site can be good while Scott Thompson, newly-appointed CEO of Yahoo talks about the beginning of a new Yahoo. Pat McDevitt discusses the community’s role in advertising, Jonathan Gardner talks about how advertising will change and more.