Street Fight Daily: Cash Crunch at LivingSocial, Startups Tackle Local
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.… LivingSocial May Be Running Dangerously Low on Cash and Time. Will Amazon Come to the Rescue? (Pando Daily)… Startups Tackle the Local Neighborhood as the Next Frontier (GigaOm)… Google Updates iPad App to Make Search More Local (Mashable)…
Street Fight Daily: Hyperlocal Sees ‘Sandy’ Bump, Yelp Adds Menus
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.… Hurricane Sandy Boosts Local Online News Brands (AdWeek)… Yelp Launching Visual Menus With User-Contributed Photos (TechCrunch)… Location-Based Services to Bring in $4B Revenue in 2012 (Mobile Marketer)…
Hyperlocals Dig In as Sandy Bears Down on East Coast Communities
From Cape May, N.J., up the Atlantic Coast to New England, hyperlocal news sites put on their slickers and boots to prepare for “perfect storm” Sandy. We asked a few publishers what they have been doing today as they gear for more intense news around Sandy as the storm soon makes landfall along the eastern seaboard.