Local News and Ad Industries Eye Sweeping Realignment With Users (Part 1)
The solution to digital news media’s woes, according to Bill Densmore, will necessitate a total transformation of the news industry to create more transparent and mutually beneficial relationships among publishers, users, and advertisers. It can happen through what Densmore calls the “Information Trust Exchange.”
Media Experts Huddle to Map a Plan for the Future of Digital News
Digital news publishers — especially at the community level — are in a fight for survival. Last week, the RJI convened a one-day “leaders workshop” in Chicago that drew 29 representatives from different segments of the news industry. We caught up with several of the participants to hear about the conclusions they came to…
Too Many Local Journalists Are Missing The Big Story: Revenue
In the new digital era, which requires journalists to widen their lens far beyond the next big story, they are beginning to channel their passion into how to engage users, embrace technology and examine the limitations of their traditional “Fourth Estate” role is in the community. All good. But there’s one area where local journalists have yet to bring the full measure of their passion — revenue.
Selling Local Is Hard — Here’s What You Need to Do to Make It Work
For the past couple of months I’ve been testing a new targeted local online advertising product as part of my fellowship project at the Donald W. Reynolds Journalism Institute.The test has been essentially to sell the product to regional businesses within a given market. And at the end of the two-month trial, after calling on more than 150 businesses multiple times, I have a much greater appreciation not only for local salespeople but for the brands in the marketplace that can sell local…
Local TV Stations: The Sleeping Beasts in Hyperlocal News
Resting on the laurels of legacy profits only gets you so far. Just ask newspaper publishers. When you really take a good look at the local television business, it’s clear this is an industry waiting to be disrupted — and when that happens, outlets that haven’t invested sufficiently in digital won’t have much to hold onto…
Should Local Publishers Really Try to Morph Into Marketers?
Publishers can make the transition from a publishing company to a marketing solutions company. But to do so is not just about developing a new product offering — it’s a change in the industry they are in. That doesn’t mean they can’t still have a newsroom or produce content. But it does mean content won’t be the focus…
Are Community News Sites and Investors Ready for Each Other?
Venture-capital and angel investors have been avoiding digital community news — but there’s no mystery about why. There are some profitable one-offs, but most investors aren’t interested in one-offs. They want to put their money in the possibility of a good-sized payoff. That will only come with community news that is part of a network…