Should MULO Brands Jump Into the U.S. Political Battleground? Street Fight

Should MULO Brands Jump Into the U.S. Political Battleground?

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As we know, brands are known for newsjacking and momentjacking. But what happens when that moment is a hotly-contested U.S. election? Today’s political climate has implications for brands and MULO (multi-location) retailers, and restaurants. Seemingly Safe Encouraging consumers to vote, regardless of their political leanings,  appears to be OK, provided it is well done. In […]

Going for Retail Gold: How the Olympics Impacts MULO Retail & Food Street Fight

Going for Retail Gold: How the Olympics Impacts MULO Retail & Food

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We recently wrote about “momentjacking” and how MULO (multi-location) brands take full advantage of events — big and small — to boost sales and consumer engagement. BTW, “the bon moment” in French means “the right time.” So, why is the Summer Olympics the bon moment for MULO brands? 15 “global partners” have signed on to the Paris […]

"Momentjacking" is the New Holiday Promotion Street Fight

“Momentjacking” is the New Holiday Promotion

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You may have heard of “newsjacking.” It simply means that brands and influencers plan their social media posting and content around current events and consumer trends.  However, as the world (and social media feeds) move faster than ever before and people jump on a wide range of “fauxlidays” (contrived holidays meant mostly for marketing purposes), reality […]