Street Fight Daily: 12.20.11
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal media, technology, advertising and startups...
How Siri Could Help Boost Location-Based Services (GigaOm)…
Eeve Creates Location-Based Photo Groups (TechCrunch)…
Localscope for iPhone: A Browser For the Real World (ReadWriteWeb)…
A ‘Vicinity Browser’ That Targets Local with the Power of Social
Once a novelty, “geobrowsing” apps have lately become a bit of a yawn. The products may be useful for navigating the hyperlocal landscape, but they haven’t proven compelling enough to hold consumer interest.
One new-ish product that that might bring geobrowsing back is Cynapse’s Localscope. The iPhone app, which was released in January, does what you might expect from a geo-centered service, gathering information about the area around you from multiple search engines and presenting it on a map. But rather than just focusing on technology or data depth, Localscope takes a lateral step into polishing design and UI to make an elegantly efficient experience…
SMBs on Mobile: Questions of Analytics and Performance
The proliferation of mobile apps for local continues, with all major local search players maintaining their own apps, and Apple’s App Store currently returning 347 results for the phrase “local search.” With all of this attention, the time is not far away when businesses will begin to get concerned about the presence, accuracy, and effectiveness of their listings on mobile apps. I’d love to see a service that aims at comprehensive analysis of SMB presence across the “app space” for Android and Apple…