Street Fight Daily: Twitter Will Show Ads to ‘Casual Viewers,’ Location Startup Factual Raises $35M
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Twitter Aims to Show Advertising to Much Wider Audience (New York Times)… Startup Factual Knows Your Commute, and Much More (Wall Street Journal)… Billy Penn and Knight Foundation Want to Build ‘Yelp for Mobile News’ (Poynter)…
Street Fight Daily: More Journatic Drama, New Hyperlocal Co-op
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.… Chicago Tribune Discovers Plagiarism, Suspends Work with Journatic (Poynter)… Banyan Project Planning Its First Community-owned News Co-op (Nieman Lab)… The Most Obvious Mobile Ad Unit and What the New York Times Got Wrong (Both Sides of the Table)…
Media Companies Embrace Innovation by Nurturing Startups
Does anyone believe that a traditional media company could have created a digital product that would grow to be as quickly valuable as Instagram or Pinterest? The answer is no, but a few organizations are hoping to change that perception by bringing digital media entrepreneurs into the fold…
Report for America’s ‘Staggering’ Start in Building a ‘Better Local Media System’
Report for America addresses the double crisis of holes in local news and local democracy by deploying talented journalists into newsrooms in underserved communities—as it did for the Lexington (Kentucky) Herald-Leader in Martin County.