5 Monetization Strategies for Beacon Vendors

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Building a sustainable stream of revenue has proven to be harder than building a piece of hardware that detects nearby smartphones. In order for this burgeoning vertical to flourish, beacon vendors need to find a monetization strategy that makes sense.

Estimote’s Cheney: Beacons Will Solve Online-to-Offline Attribution

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There’s never been a good way to attribute the actions consumers take in the physical world to what they do online. Beacons are the answer to the attribution loop problem, said Estimote co-founder Steve Cheney.

Street Fight Daily: Apple’s Street View Competitor, Google Reinvents the City

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A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Apple Confirms Vans Are For Maps Data Improvement, Discloses Future Locations (AppleInsider)… Sidewalk Labs, a Start-Up Created by Google, Has Bold Aims to Improve City Living (New York Times)… Digital Device Use Influences $1.7 Trillion in In-Store Retail Sales (eMarketer)…

Marsh Supermarkets Brings Beacon Messaging to Apple Watch

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Marsh Supermarkets is working with InMarket to install a system in its stores that will use Bluetooth beacons to “wake up” applications on the Apple Watch and deliver relevant content to their shoppers wrists. Shoppers can decide whether or not to receive push notifications upon entering the store…