MULO Brands With Soul December Pick: Hummingbirds
Our previous Brands With Soul have all been retail, restaurant, service, and CPG brands with multiple locations (MULO) and millions of dollars to spend on rewarding their teams and giving to charities. But soul isn’t just for those brands. In fact, starting a business that serves MULO brands can be in the hands of an […]
MULO Brands With Soul November Picks: The Season of Giving
Rather than single out one brand this month, we will focus on how several MULO (multi-location) brands are leaning into giving this holiday season with tie-ins to philanthropic efforts. Aligning a brand with a specific charitable effort can be risky, so doing due diligence before selecting a cause is imperative today. You certainly don’t want […]
MULO Brands With Soul October Pick: Ben & Jerry’s
Many MULO (multi-location) brands avoid social or political causes for fear of backlash or polarization of their consumer base. But, for one company, activism has been part of its culture since its launch — Ben & Jerry’s. The brand now has about 500 brick-and-mortar locations worldwide, but its products are distributed throughout retail and C-store channels […]
MULO Brands With Soul July Pick: Walmart
“It’s not just wages. Retailers are treating employees in a more insidious way.” That was the headline of a recent opinion piece in the New York Times. The sad reality is that it may be true for many MULO (multi-location) retailers. But we at Street Fight want to focus on those MULO retailers with heart, […]
MULO Brands With Soul: A New Mini-Series
The term “soul” is all relative. Many MULO (multi-location) brands today aim to stay in business and thrive. They incorporate new technologies into their operations, aim to hire and retain competent and loyal employees and ensure they are selling/serving the products/foods/services that today’s consumers want (and that their marketing is well-targeted and cost-effective). So, where […]