TripleLift Partners with White Ops to Fight Ad Fraud

E-Commerce Security Risks and How to Stay Safe

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Online spending in the US exploded amid COVID. It’s becoming an essential part of the way even mom-and-pop shops do business, and an increasing number of startups are doing away with physical stores entirely. Whether you’re in the latter or the former group, you’ll want to take steps to ensure that your e-commerce shop is a safe place for your clients and their data.

Email Security for Small Businesses

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A secure company email account is just as important for small and medium-sized businesses as it is for large enterprises. More often than not, it’s email-based breaches at Fortune 500 companies making the news, but SMBs are targeted by email threats just as often, if not more.

The Fight Against Facial Recognition Tech

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Microsoft and Amazon suspended their sales of facial recognition technology to police departments in recent weeks amid nationwide protests against police brutality. IBM went even further, ceasing its research on the subject altogether.

It might be clever and intuitive, but facial recognition technology is highly invasive. Little wonder, then, that across the world, people are joining the fight against its implementation.