Survey Offers a Glimpse Into How Brand Retailers Are Preparing for the Holiday Season
According to the survey from Campaigner, 42% of retailers are prioritizing social media integration as a marketing method for the holidays this year. Of the most popular social media platforms, retailers expect to invest most heavily in Facebook, followed by Instagram, Twitter, and Google+.
5 Platforms to Send Consumers Visit-Triggered Mobile Surveys
The customer satisfaction surveys that most people are used to seeing on tabletops and cash wraps are undergoing an upgrade as hyperlocal vendors add location-based features to aid in the data collection process. “Intercept-style” surveys can be sent to customers at key moments in the purchasing process, like when they arrive at a store or after they’ve made a purchase…
As Polls Eagle-Eye News Media, Their Own Work Merits a Close Look
On accuracy, news organizations across the board have to address more forthrightly the public’s concerns about the truthfulness of what is presented. Those concerns do not appear to be as great as expressed in the Gallup/Knight numbers, which exaggerate a widespread talking point about growing distrust in the news media.