Hallmark Launches its Own Media Channel Street Fight

Hallmark Launches its Own Media Channel

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In the MULO (multi-location) retail world, Hallmark is one brand that has consistently been able to flex and scale — beyond the brick-and-mortar card store. Now, Hallmark is “joining the streaming fray.” The new media channel will (of course) be called Hallmark+, and it will make its debut in September. Hallmark has been way ahead of […]

57% of Consumers Want Brands to "Get Personal" on Streaming Media Street Fight

57% of Consumers Want Brands to “Get Personal” on Streaming Media

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Despite the often negative buzz about consumer privacy and the ubiquity of shopping and dining data, a new study revealed that most U.S. consumers (57%) prefer personalized ads to mass marketing when they’re watching streaming media.  The study was done by Moloco, a machine-learning company. As advertising on streaming media has become more common, opportunities […]