Marketing Storytelling: 4 Success Tips from Props Street Fight

Marketing Storytelling: 4 Success Tips from Props

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Especially as automation changes the MULO (multi-location) marketing landscape and brands use AI to target and “talk” to their consumers and prospects, the value of human-to-human connection or storytelling becomes more important. How do MULO retail, restaurant, and service brands build real loyalty among the people who spend (or could spend) with them? Joseph Perello, […]

How Data Provides a Two-Way Story to Drive Performance

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Data creates a two-way story with customers. In this exchange, you deliver value to customers and they, in turn, give you important information about who they are and how they feel. Within customer experience management, this value exchange allows you to heighten the experience. It is the quality of the data and what you do with it that matters most for performance.