Street Fight Daily: Amazon Launches Home Services, Angie’s List Freezes Indiana Expansion
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Amazon Launches Home Services To Sell Everything From An Oil Change To Piano Lessons (Verge)… Angie’s List Freezes $40 Million Indiana Expansion, Citing Anti-gay Law (Mashable)… Ten Red Flags On The GoDaddy IPO (Pando)…
Street Fight Daily: JRC Declares Bankruptcy, OpenTable’s Reviews
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal content, commerce, and technology.… Journal Register Co. Declares Bankruptcy… Again: Is This the Industry’s First Real Reboot? (Neiman Journalism Lab)… OpenTable’s hidden stash of restaurant reviews (Venture Beat)… Hyperlocal & Mobile Data Demystified (Media Post)…