Hooters Locations Go Bust, Along With Other MULO Restaurants Street Fight

Hooters Locations Go Bust, Along With Other MULO Restaurants

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Sometimes, we writers can’t resist a great pun! (Hooters…bust…get it?). But now let’s get serious. Hooters is the latest MULO (multi-location) food chain to announce the closure of many locations. The sports bar just announced that it was closing underperforming stores (although they didn’t reveal an exact number). But just because a MULO restaurant brand closes […]

What's New at the Drive-Thru?

What’s New at the Drive-Thru?

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We spend the equivalent of 4.3 years of our lives in our cars. Multi-location restaurants and retailers have known this for quite some time and introduced the drive-thru decades ago. Although the exact date of the first-ever drive-up window is fiercely debated, sources indicate that banks introduced the concept in the early 1920s. The drive-thru […]