Caterina Fake: The ‘Finding a Restaurant in This Town’ Problem Has Been Solved
During a fireside chat at Street Fight Summit West on Tuesday, the co-founder of Flickr told Jeff Bercovici that the restaurant discovery problem — a hobby horse of local tech of the past few years — has effectively been solved. Earlier this year, Fake released her newest venture to the world in Findery, a service that allows users to share content, or “notes” about places across the world…
Street Fight Daily: Staples Ditches Bricks, Flickr Founder Goes Hyperlocal
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… Staples to Close 225 Stores as Sales Move Online (New York TimesS)… Flickr Co-Founder Seeks Another Hit With New Findery App (Reuters)… Yahoo Rolling Out Indoor Maps (SearchEngineLand)…