Is Marketing Around Tentpole Moments Enough?

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A marketing strategy that focuses only on so-called “tentpole” moments misses out on a significant new part of the media and marketing landscape today: viral moments.

4 Ways to Retain Customers with Event Marketing

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Customer retention is usually faster and costs a lot less than acquiring new customers. By putting your customers through the funnel, you’ve already done the hard part. To keep the momentum going, it’s important to create a set of initiatives that increases customer value, encourages further purchases, and fosters brand ambassadors to promote your company. 

Experiential marketing through events helps brands achieve these goals. The aim is to create memorable experiences that engender high degrees of loyalty. Here are four ways you can leverage event marketing to retain your customers. 

3 Tips for Attracting High-Quality Leads at Your Next Event

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First impressions are key, and it’s imperative that as soon as the lead is ready to buy, your brand is the first on their mind. 

Doing this requires you to understand your leads and deliver a message that appeals to their needs while portraying your brand in the best possible way. This is a big challenge because you want to promote your brand without going overkill and scaring leads away. 

Here are three steps for attracting higher-quality leads at your next event.

Converting Prospects to Customers Through Event Marketing

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The marketing journey is not as predictable as it once was, and there are potential roadblocks to conversion at every stage within the funnel. Today’s buyers have access to high-quality information about products and services through digital media, so they’re not reliant on the sellers for insights. In the most successful companies, sales and marketing organizations overcome these roadblocks together. They work in concert to generate brand awareness, educate prospects, forge relationships, and ultimately to turn prospects into customers. Event marketing plays a key role in these efforts.