Street Fight Daily: BuzzFeed Raises $50M, Senator Warns of Wearables
A roundup of today’s big stories in hyperlocal publishing, marketing, commerce, and technology… 50 Million New Reasons BuzzFeed Wants to Take Its Content Far Beyond Lists (New York Times)… Senator Warns Fitbit Is A ‘Privacy Nightmare’ And Could Be ‘Tracking’ Your Movements (Business Insider)… Apple iPhone Privacy Changes Lead to Layoffs at Retail Tracking Startup Nomi (Recode)…
Schumer Urges Retailers, Location Tech Companies To Address Privacy Issues
During a speech at the Street Fight Summit in New York Friday, Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) spoke about his role in developing a privacy code of conduct for the location analytics industry, and the need for consumer advocates, technology companies and retailers to come together and pro-actively address the issue….