Street Fight’s Most Popular Stories of 2012

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On this last day of 2012, here’s a look back at some of the Street Fight stories that really piqued your interest this year (at least as far as pageviews go). We’re grateful for all of your support this past year, and we look forward to bringing you more great content, research, and events about sustainable hyperlocal business models in 2013!

Street Fights of 2012: Making Sense of Content Economics

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Hyperlocal media continued to wrestle with the economics of content, as some of the most promising concepts of years past were put to the test in 2012. The Journatic scandal revealed the ethical quicksand that can accompany innovation. Meanwhile, the iterations at Patch reaffirmed that original local journalism produced by professional journalists is difficult to scale…

Street Fight Staff and Friends Predict 2012’s Top Stories

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Earlier this week, some top hyperlocal luminaries weighed in with their predictions for what we can expect to see in the coming year. Today we’ve asked Street Fight’s writers and editors — as well as a few friends who regularly cover hyperlocal media— to submit their own prognostications…