Leverage a Single View of the Customer in Real Time With Generative AI

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It’s been almost two decades since we first heard “data is the new oil” and companies have tapped into that resource ever since, fundamentally changing the way we do business and how we talk to customers on digital channels. Raw data must be refined to realize its full value, but even with limited refining capabilities, […]

ChatGPT Will Shake Up Marketing. That’s Good

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Now that ChatGPT has entered the conversation, so to speak, and AI chatbot tools are about to shake up content marketing. But don’t panic — that’s a good thing.

Love Languages: 5 Ways to Earn Brand Loyalty 

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Hard metrics define brand loyalty’s value, but brand loyalty is really a feeling we earn by inspiring love, trust, and connections. It’s time to embrace that.

Stop Flying Blind: Why Closed Feedback Loops Matter More Than Ever

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These changes have a lot of marketers feeling like they’re flying blind, but you don’t have to stay lost in the fog. Instead, you can use automated surveys to take your customers’ pulse, establish a solid baseline, and execute a closed-loop feedback strategy to continuously improve. This approach will give you the key metrics you need to consistently deliver a great customer experience in three steps.