Local Quotables: Dorsey, Josic, Brody & More
This week’s top quotes come from Twitter and Summify as they discuss their new partnership in order to increase delivery of instant, relevant news. This week also features Harvard researchers explaining why some ventures succeed and Boyan Josic of Daily Deal Media asserting the growing success of daily deals companies…
Twitter, Summify and the New Local Relevance Layer
We’ve already seen on Street Fight how Flipboard can be turned into a hyperlocal news feed. And that’s exactly where I see possibilities or Twitter in Summify. Flipboard is an amazing presentation layer, but following raw Twitter streams via lists and then dumping them into Flipboard does not surmount the signal-to-noise problem. Drop Summify into the mix and things get more interesting. Further, add the ability to more easily build lists based on geolocation of the tweets and you might actually have a very interesting hyperlocal content stream with huge implications for local businesses…