Loku Brings Local Aggregation Engine to Mobile With HTML5 App
As local information on the web becomes increasingly ubiquitous, look for a wave of aggregators like Loku to sprout up with personalization-focused products. In many ways, the local information ecosystem is following the trajectory that the deals space has taken over the past year: as the signal creation game consolidates with a few dominant players coming out on top, a new wave of aggregators arise to build products on top of the information layer offered by the original players…
Loku CEO: Leveraging Data to Make Sense of Hyperlocal Search
In 2010, private equity manager-turned-entrepreneur Dan Street launched a two-year quest to create a search engine capable of synthesizing and analyzing the vast landscape of hyperlocal information. The result was Loku, a hyperlocal information hub that draws on big data tools to make sense of local search through dynamic analysis and a clean presentation of hyperlocal content…