Industry Changes Ahead for Marketers: Cookie Deprecation, Dirty Data, and AI

Industry Changes Ahead for Marketers: Cookie Deprecation, Dirty Data, and AI

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With 2024 here, marketers need to prepare for a few big industry changes. The deprecation of third-party cookies and the death of the traditional customer journey will greatly impact marketing strategies, transforming how businesses engage with their customers. Marketers also must tackle the elephant in the room: dirty data. Accurate, unified data is the vital […]

Unlocking Marketing Success: The Power of ID Resolution

Unlocking Marketing Success: The Power of ID Resolution

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In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the customer journey takes center stage as brands strive to craft compelling marketing and advertising campaigns. However, the abundance of customer data, often scattered across various identifiers like web browsers, mobile apps, and in-store interactions, poses a significant challenge Without the right tools and systems in place, this data fragmentation […]