Heard On the Street, Episode 15: Expanding the Local Marketing Suite, with David Mihm

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As the media world continues to expand and fragment, services targeted at local businesses are likewise evolving into a more holistic set of marketing channels. A good example of that evolution can be seen at ThriveHive, as we discussed with the company’s newest member and longtime Street Fight contributor, David Mihm, on the latest episode of Heard on the Street.

Heard on the Street, Episode 12: How Important Are Online Reviews?

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Considering the level of influence that online reviews can have on any given business, it’s become increasingly important to optimize them in various ways. How is that done? There are lots of tactical ins and outs we highlight on this episode of the Heard on the Street Podcast.

Heard On The Street, Episode 2: Jiu Jitsu and the Art of Content Marketing, with Monica Ho

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“I’m a big believer in a value exchange,” says Monica Ho of SOCi. “Whether you’re a brand or an agency, or maybe you’re an entrepreneur, everyone is starved for more data on more information on certain things that are affecting the landscape.